Friday, December 11, 2009

I need eye makeup tips...i have blue eyes.......?

ok. i have blue eyes. what eyeliners, mascaras, and shadows do i need to use??? i'm also just 16, so nothing really heavy.I need eye makeup tips...i have blue eyes.......?
light browns, light pinks, light shimmery tans and earthy tones look best for blue eyes. use brown eyeliner. and peach/ coral blush.

hope this helps!I need eye makeup tips...i have blue eyes.......?
a great way to get blue eyes to pop is to use bronzy brown shades almost every brand of make up has a color like this. this would be great to use as a liner since you dont want anything heavy. another great idea is to just use white eyeliner on the insides of your eyes and some mascara. it will make the whites of your eyes seem brighter thus enhancing the blue in your eyes. any of these products can be found at a local drug store.
well you need to tlk to my best friend annnnnaaaaaaaaaaa find her by going into pets and into birds then find one where the answer is your friend on crakc to the question help anna keeps eating rhions toe nails and ask annnnnaaaa ok she is a make up expert and he is only 13
siliver eyshadow '

lighten it as u get closer to the brow

put bottom eyelid eyeliner and rlly light on the top black

nothin fancy w/ lines avoid thosee

and masacara black

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